• The Committee on Energy’s objective is to be the Engineering reference for programs, strategies and policies aiming to move toward sustainable and resilient energy systems around the world.–Marie-Line Vaiani, Chair of CE (FRANCE)Contact the committee chair at energy @ wfeo . org (without the spaces)


The Committee on Energy’s objective is to be the engineering reference for assessing the current and future energy technologies for sustainable development based on engineering criteria and actively participate in sustainable energy programs around the world by providing subject matter experts.

Strategic orientations

The global energy challenges of the next 15 years are immense, perhaps the greatest we have ever faced.
And engineers are at the heart of these challenges to ensure a just energy transition.

  1. Firstly, to design the best technological solutions, on both the supply and demand sidesfor all the energy and uses, solutions that must integrate and balance the dimensions ofthe energy trilemma: reliable, affordable and sustainable energy.
  2. Secondly, to speed up the implementation of these solutions while managing thedimension of acceptability. This is essential because the energy transition concerns thewhole of society and everyone needs to be involved.
  3. Finally, to guarantee the resilience of global energy systems in face of crises, particularlyclimate crises with the challenge of adapting infrastructures to the consequences ofglobal warming (water scarcity, floods, temperatures, etc.).

One of the anticipated difficulties in implementing the energy transition is the potential shortage of human resources, particularly energy engineers. If we add to this the insufficient number of women in the energy sector, this highlights the importance of actions to attract young and women to the energy engineering professions.

The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) community and its Energy Committee could contribute to meet these challenges, by sharing best practices, technology knowledge, innovations, or effective policy measures.

The proposal to host, for the next 4 years, the Committee on Energy (CE) of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) is in line with the continuity of the committee’s activity, capitalizing on its past action and proposing ways to progress in the achievement of its mission.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Energy Committee work will clearly be linked to the 2 following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy: This SDG directly linked to energy issues and its goals, an access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, which is the same objective as the World Energy Council since 1923.
  • SDG 13: Climate Action : One of the causes of global warming is the use of fossil fuels,which highlights the major relationship between energy and SDG 13. It is essential topromote energy efficiency, decarbonization of industrial process and uses anddevelopment of low carbon energies (renewable and nuclear) or technologies that makethe use of fossil fuels acceptable like CCS. Adaptation of energy systems to theconsequences of climate change, including energy-water nexus is also a major challenge.

Operating Principles

The Committee on Energy consists of a Chair and five regional Vice-Chairs representing: Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe/Russia, Latin America and Middle East/South Central Asia. Committee Officers are appointed by their respective National Member organizations.

  • Africa – Prof. Abubakar Sambo, Nigeria
  • Asia/Pacific – Prof. Sun Hongbin, China
  • Europe/Russia – Dr. Daniel Favrat, Switzerland
  • Latin America – Mag. Ing. Miguel Fierro, Uruguay
  • Middle East/South Central Asia – Mr. Pradeep Chaturvedi, India

The seven Task Groups of the Committee and their chairs are:

  • Energy Efficiency – Dr. Ruomei Li, China
  • Solar – Dr. Carsten Ahrens, Germany
  • Energy Internet – Prof. Sun Hongbin, China
  • Energy storage – Philip Pascall, UK
  • Hydrogen – Massimiliano Capezzali, Switzerland
  • Electrification – Prof. Abubakar Sambo, Nigeria
  • Mobility – Prof. AbuBakr Bahaj, UK